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Published by: Bo Bengtsson 19-Nov-14
this is EXTREMELY strange..
Recently a new list builder just launched.

I know, there's been about 100 of them lately.

But this one is strange.

It has clouds all over it's landing page?!

And it's name is Bweeble (what is it, trying to copy Twitter...ha!)

Well, it was so weird I just had to try it out.


AND WOW! This weird new list builder is awesome.

It's from the creators of List Bonus, so you know it's gonna be good.

They took a normal list builder and turned it on it's head.

It's now a first of it's kind: A Viral Brand Builder.

Check it out and see for yourself:


Don't mind the clouds, they float away :)

Just click sign up and get started.

And be sure to check out the Brand Builder!

You can customize your brand and spread it virally.


Bo Bengtsson Webmaster

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